Clever Chefs supply our catering provision which includes a service at breakfast, break time and lunchtime.
See our menu for this term’s tasty offerings. Items can be bought individually or as a Meal Deal at lunchtime which comprises of a main meal and pudding.
​The service operated by Clever Chefs is a cashless system. Parents use ParentPay to top up student accounts. In order to purchase food students are expected to have sufficient funds to be able to pay for their food and a £5 limit is set each day.
The cashless system is operated either with a biometric scan or by code.
​Parents are asked to provide biometric consent as part of the induction process. Where a parent does not wish for biometric information to be held, a code will be given to the student.

Biometric Frequently Asked Questions
Students who are entitled to free school meals, where this is confirmed by the Council, will automatically have funds to the value of £2.60 applied to their accounts.
Further information can be found on the Free School Meal page.
Allergy Information.
Parents are asked to complete a form on induction which details any food allergies or intolerances. This information is shared with Clever Chefs and recorded against the students details.